What about props?

I post which props will be used for class every Sunday in my newsletter and on the online classes page.

Possible props might include the following:

  • Yoga Mat — Any standard yoga mat will do. Here is a simple yoga mat that would work for practice. If you do not have one, practicing on a towel or carpet is just fine.

  • Bolster — The cheapest and most Kaiut-friendly bolsters online can be found here. Just be sure to remove 1/3 of the cotton filling to get your bolster practice-ready. Occasionally, two bolsters are required for practice, but we can adapt the sequences if you only have one. You can substitute a rolled blanket, pillow, or couch cushion for a bolster.

  • Block — Any standard yoga block will do. In Kaiut, we work with heavy, wooden blocks that are different dimensions than any on the market currently. However, here is a decently close option. Occasionally, two blocks are required for practice. We can adapt the sequences for you if you only have one. You can substitute a stack of books for a block.

  • Strap — Any standard yoga strap will do. Here is an inexpensive option. You can substitute a belt, tie, or dog leash for a strap.

  • Spot at the wall — Some sequences require legs up the wall, and sometimes we do standing postures with our hands on the wall. Using a door or window is fine as well.

  • Chair — Access to a chair will be valuable for some practitioners, particularly those with sensitivity to sitting and kneeling on the floor. A couch or the edge of a bed will work also, but please ensure that your seat is not on wheels.